Monday, October 4, 2010

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

(ONE) The weather this weekend in FL was beautiful! It was in the high 70's/low 80's! I love it! I spent as much time as possible outside. It's my favorite time of year.

(TWO) I have been feeling so fatigued lately. I stumbled across this on the MSN homepage. It's a good read for those who are constantly feeling tired throughout the day.

(THREE) So I decided to watch Letters To Juliet this weekend. I love LOVE. But I was an idiot. I got so mad at the love story so I turned it off and didn't even see how it ended. Right now, Love hurts. It hurts a lot. Eventually I will watch it again.... in time.

(FOUR) My baby Jax is a BIG boy! Let me just tell you how much my arms hurt from taking him on walks. I took him to get shots on Saturday and he weighs 54lbs! He is 6 months let me remind you. He is a handful. I am exhausted but I love him. I love his cuddles and kisses. He had a lot of fun outside this weekend!

(FIVE) The University of Florida Gators got their butts beat by Alabama. This always makes for a good weekend. If you lived in Florida or know a Gator know why. OVER RATED.

(SIX) My dear friend Heather introduced me to Mumford & Sons. Have you listened to them? What songs are your favorite?

(SEVEN) My church is doing a study called The Truth Project. The series began last night. And wow! It really makes you think. Notes I took that I wanted to share:

We are held captive by the lies of the world...Truth sets us free.
It is so much easier for us to believe the lies, instead of the Truth.
God came into the world to testify to Truth.
The Cosmic Battle- 1 John 3:10

What is Truth?

Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?

Powerful stuff right? I am so eager to learn and grow closer to God with this study. I'll be sharing my thoughts every week.

Happy Monday friends!


Heather (Heatherella) said...

I can't believe you didn't mention anything about the unbelievable sounds of Mumford and Sons!

Natalie said...

i will have to read that thing later about being tired. i am ALWAYS tired no matter how much sleep i get : (
I'm sorry love hurts right now :( LOve can be such a blessing or such a burdern.
i went through about half of the truth project almost 2 years ago. it definitely rocks the truth and makes you really think! i bet you will love it : ) Happy Monday beautiful girl!

Kristin said...

Hey girl! So tell me, how are your pups getting along? What is their play time like? Is your original pup trying to assert dominance? I have NO experience in this area, and am trying to find out what's "normal".~ My parents church did the Truth Project last year and they said it was amazing! Glad you're enjoying (and being challenged by) it so far...

B said...

I'm about to read that article about being sleepy... I feel like i'm always complaining about being tired!

Amber said...

I'm also loving the great weather! Here's hoping it's here to stay!

ROLL TIDE!! (Sorry that may have been a little mean, but I was very happy about our victory Saturday!)

I'm feeling fatigued and exhausted lately as well. I will have to check out that article!

Amanda said...

oh that weather sounds lovely!! i saw that article on msn this morning too! i must drink more water...have a great week! :) xo

chloë. said...

I love how your "nice weather" is 70s-80s...makes me smile. Our nice weather now is the 50s-60s :P

And I was hoping that Florida would do some butt-kicking! Alabama is getting on my nerves, LOL.

Happy Monday, sweet friend!

Rebekah said...

I'm jealous of your weather! We are just now getting into the low 80's!

I'll have to read that article!

Have a great Monday!

Amy said...

this is my favorite time in florida too... cool and breezy... i hate the crazy summer heat! :) i'm off to read the article about fatigue.. i could really use that...

Courtney said...

This is my favorite time of year as well. LOVE IT! Your pup is too cute! Congrats!!! And your study sounds wonderful. Many blessings!!!

BARBIE said...

I love Letters to Juliet. I hope you will be able to finish it soon. That Bible Study sounds amazing. I have learned so much about using the truth of God's word to counteract the lies of the enemy. I hope you will share more about this study.

ASHLEY said...

So nice to meet you!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I loved this weather too!!!

A Wedding Story said...

Love your list girlfriend!

Blair McLeod said...

love mumford&Sons! wiggled them a few weeks ago. so great!

I wish Florida had won!

Anna @ IHOD said...

Happy Monday Michelle!
I am going to be craving the florida weather come January!!
The study sounds awesome!

Venessa said...

Cant wait to hear more about the truth project! Love the questions...makes me think! I wish you a happy night and a blessed Tuesday morning!

shawni marie said...

I love reading about your weekends <3
and i can't wait to see how big Jax gets!!