Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 18

30 Day Blog Challenge -

Day 18: Something You Regret

"Everything happens for a reason"

I can't say I regret anything. I wouldn't be who or where I am today if those things didn't happen. Sure, I wish I could skip over certain areas of my life when I look back on them now (the many heartbreaks, failures, my wild party days, the loss of 3 friends and not making sure they knew how much I loved them...etc)... But I wouldn't have learned the lessons that have strengthened the woman I am right now, in this moment. It's all a part of life and a part of God's plan. I am blessed for everything that I have and all that has happened.


Rachel said...

What a great encouraging outlook on life. I love this verse in Proverbs (parapharse)...though a man makes his decisions, it is the Lord who orders his steps.

Just knowing that God has ordered your steps and has written your life down in His book, is comforting.

ilene @ muchloveilly said...

that is SO true. there are some things you feel stupid about but God does use those things to make us into the people we are today. thanks for His grace, right?!

have a lovely day, friend!

Venessa said...

I agree! We walk the walk we do for a reason and it may not be one that we always understand but it serves His purpose.

Nicki said...

I totally agree with you. Though we may not always understand it, God has a reason for allowing every bit of pain into our lives. Trials and hardships are not there to bring us down, but rather to strengthen us and enable us to do His Will. Instead of saying, "I wish I hadn't done that..." we could take our lessons learned and help others who are facing the same trials we once faced!

Heather said...

I think it's definitely better to live without hard as it is. Just learn from the mistakes, like you said!

rachel said...

yes yes yes. it's all a part of God's plan. I love it and I am right with you! <3

Anonymous said...

Checking in on you! It's been too long, I miss you on facebook. Glad to see you are having fun in Cali and doing well. Miss you friend!


Caitlin said...

Found your blog on Katie's link up..very cute! and I love that so many women linking up share this out look on life.. how beautiful that God shapes us through all the ups and downs of our lives!

shopgirl said...

Very true and well said.

Rambles with Reese