Thursday, June 3, 2010

Oil Spill

Okay I have kept quiet long enough. As the days pass and BP gets no where with stopping the numerous amounts of oil spilling into the ocean...the more my heart aches and anger rises.

I often say...the beach is where my heart is (to be specific...St Augustine). Oil is reaching my states states beautiful beaches...killing wildlife and sea creatures in the Gulf. It breaks my heart.

It makes me even more angered reading the articles, day after day, of another failed attempt and reading what the CEO of BP says... Today: "The company wasn't fully prepared for the diaster." IDIOTS. ALL OF THEM. How could they not have been fully prepared for the possiblity of something like this happening? Seriously?

As I type this...BP is in the process of yet another attempt to stop the spill. So far so good... How I pray this works. I need you to pray that it does too...pray that they are able to cap the pipe. (Oh and don't get gas at BP.)

On another note... We had a crazy rain storm last night. I can't remember the last time I witnessed a hail storm. It was cherry sized hail! Scared the crap out of me! (not literally of course)

Don't forget my Summer Giveaway! You don't wanna miss out on some Clinique goodies!

ps- sorry there are no lovely pictures...weheartit is down and they claim it's for a good reason.


Courtney said...

I have been boycotting BP since day one. I won't be buying a thing from them ever again.

Courtney said...

P.S. I just realized I wasn't following. Why is that? I corrected myself. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree it is completely ridiculous that it has gone on for this long...I am praying as well this works...

Have a Blessed day!

Brooke D said...

I am praying for them to finally stop the spill!

Ashley said...

I can say the same about your followers!

I hope this spill gets cleaned up soon. It not personally affecting us over here but I feel sorry for all of the people and animals it is hurting!

Amanda said...

it's so sad. i don't think we have a bp in our town? i really hope they can take care of this very soon!

Manda said...

You didn't add an email address to your comment post on my blog... so regardless that others can {and maybe will read this}, I want to tell you anyway.

Michelle (that's my middle name by the way),
I love that you find inspiration in my writing. So often my prayer is that my words will not be in vain. I always refer back to the scripture... Unless the LORD builds the house, the labourers labour in vain.
I don't want that. I want to be real and authentic with my words in hopes that God will use them to shed hope, encouragement, and love to those that read them.
I am a work in progress... so having your compliment me as an amazing woman of God, touches my heart deeply.
Much love and big hugs to you (yep, I'm a hugger)...