Friday, May 14, 2010

Space Shuttle

The Space Shuttle launching this afternoon inspired me to post some pictures of how beautiful and powerful a launch is! And how sad that there are only a couple of launches left, Discovery and Endeavour...Thanks Obama :/

Today's launch was Space Shuttle Atlantis' last voyage.

Here are pictures my friend Casie has taken of the Space Shuttles...

Today's launch of Atlantis, taken with her iPhone. What a perfect view!

These are pictures of Discovery's night launch last Fall. Night launches are gorgeous!

I love to watch the launch live on NASA TV. Though I don't understand the lingo being exchanged you can see the shuttle go into space and you can see Earth. It's SO cool! I might shed some tears when the last shuttle goes up. I would really like to go to the last Casie...I just invited myself :)


michelle johnston said...

i can't believe there are only two left

i wish i could see one live and in person...guess i'll have to wait until a future president brings back the space program :(

Michelle (michabella) said...

I know I hate it! So many jobs are going to be lost! But you could always watch the next two live on NASA TV!

Anonymous said...

You are SO invited! My mom and Stef couldn't go today so were absolutely going back! I hope a future president brings this American phenomenon back in the very near future. I'm left to wonder if Obama ever saw a launch in person (because it is SO spectacular and SO moving -- your heart just beats red, white, and blue when a launch takes place!). And if Obama HAD seen one -- I wonder how he can even consider pulling it's plug. The Space Coast area is going to suffer greatly from this, and I think ALL Americans will suffer without this exploration...

Becky Farley said...

I'm sad about the space program too :(
But I'm stoked bc today I received Janel's Swap box and I really like the black and white button magnets you made! Thank you! :)
Are you a FL gal too? I'm over on the west coast in Tampa! :)