Wednesday, May 19, 2010

First Ride

I took "TREK" (yes I named my bike..though it's not a very creative name, whatever) out for our very first ride together! I lasted 40 minutes...I probably could have gone longer but there was a nasty storm approaching. I mainly road on the trail, but had to get there by riding along the road a little ways. THAT WAS SCARY! I do not like the road...I shall stick to the trails for now.

Surprisingly my upper body is the part that hurts the most today. I don't normally... okay...well I don't ever work out my upper body because I hate the pain I am left with. I know pain = gain but I'd much rather endure pain in my legs...that I can handle. I do feel some pain in my legs but not as bad as the upper body. AND my bum feels great?! I didn't even wear padded shorts...awesome! (I worried about that the most)

Needs: bike gloves (my hands were hurting on the ride), bike pouch, padded spandex shorts, sport sunglasses
Wants: pink taped handle bars or silver? & cycling shoes

Saturday I am going to attempt an hour ride...until then...I've got some training to do!


Sarah Ann said...

That's great that your backside isn't too sore. The hubby took me on a bike ride a couple of months ago, and mine was just aching for two days! :)

Manda said...

I had to chuckle when you said your bum feels great... I took my bike out yesterday for 16km and today my bum is a tad sore.

Brooke D said...

umm 40 minutes?!! You did so great!! Yeah, I'm a trails kind of girl myself...Roads scare me too! I wanted to reply to your comment yesterday... You had mentioned that you moved back to your hometown and realized all of your "friends" weren't really friends... Ah, I'm so sorry! I'm from Houston but we're living in Dallas...A lot of my high school friends live here and I never see them...I think I keep in touch with 3 high school friends. Tyson and I are having to start all over here. I literally understand how your feeling. Just wanted to share that with you :) Have a great day!

Paige Baker said...

40 MIN??! You are amazing. Love your blog too:)

chloƫ. said...

trek is so cute! (err, is that insulting to a bike? i meant to say SLEEK.)

can't say i've rode a real human bike in at least two years. my husband rides to school when it's nice out, but i'm kinda wimpy, lol.

hope you get many more rides in soon!

carissa said...

i think trek is the most perfect name. : )

awww, hitting the trails on trek sounds fabulous! 40 min is great! you look mighty adorable!

my hubby and i borrowed his parent's bikes and went riding downtown... it was scary on all the busy roads and needless to say, i am now banned from riding on roads. i shall stick to the trails too. now, if only i could find a way to get my own trek!