Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gooo Magic!

Happy Tuesday! I walked out of the house this morning to a beautiful rainbow...God's creations are so beautiful. Made me smile...and not many things make me smile at 7:15 AM while I am on my way to work....so I think it's gonna be a good day :)

Okay so I had a rather eventful Monday night...and so Im going to share it!

First of all...GO MAGIC! I am so glad they showed up last night...the last 3 games were embarassing! But what a great game!! I am paying for staying up late, but I couldn't fall asleep until the end!


Secondly, did you watch the bachelorette? If you did you most likely saw my friend...Chris N! I never watch these shows but I was freaking out last night wondering if he would get a rose because they didn't show much interaction between him and Ali....but sure enough, HE GOT A ROSE! Yay! (He wore a dark undershirt and had a teal tie on)


Okay and lastly... as I am falling asleep I hear a very loud crashing sound from outside. I think...car crash... so I walk outside and see the trash cans at the fire station (right down the street) knocked over and trash everywhere! Supposedly some idiot, probably drunk, ran into them...I see the fire men all come out so I walk back inside. Well as I am driving to work today I see a light pole, that is right next to where they put their trash cans, in pieces and uprooted! Seriously? Crazy, crazy people.

How was YOUR night?

Don't forget to stop over to Anna's blog, In Honor of Design! She is hosting a fabulous card clutch giveaway from Bits O Honey!


Anna @ IHOD said...

Thats your friend from the Bachelorette?! How cool.
My husband caught me watching the show after I vowed I wouldn't....oops.
Thanks for the mention Michelle! Hope you win!

Courtney said...

How funny that a friend of yours is on the bachelorette. Glad to hear he got a rose! Wish my night had been as eventful as yours. Dinner, baths, putting kids to bed.... Not terribly exciting.

chloƫ. said...

While I was super excited to watch the basketball game (I root for the Celtics...don't have me), I was completely zonked by 8pm. So pathetic, I know. Kinda glad the Magic won though. I'm not a Celtics "fan", so while I want them to win, I also like to see a good series.

And that's awesome your friend is on the bachelorette! I swore up and down that the whole concept was utterly ridiculous but then became kind of obsessed with last season's bachelor and HAD to know who won. I know, I am eating my words. Kinda glad I don't have a television, otherwise I'd be so addicted to this one too!

chloƫ. said...

don't HATE* me, lol.

Kristin said...

Hi Michelle! Sounds like you DID have a fun night! How crazy that you know one of the contestants. I'm sure my tummy would've been in knots for him.- I was actually really excited about the DWTS finals. My hubby and I are/were both dancers, so we love the show. It was exciting and the grande finale is tonight woohoo! Other than that, I was just on the computer chatting w/ some Kindred Spirits who stopped by. - Occasionally I'll post that I'm online to my blog and open a chatroom for people to drop in. It was fun! Hope you're having a great Tuesday so far! ~Kristin from Windy Poplars

Cole Franke said...

Praying for a Magic/Suns matchup in the end. :)

Brooke D said...

oh my goodness..I think rainbows are so beautiful and special. They always remind me of God's beautiful creations. I'm so glad you got to see one today!! How fun that your friend is on the bachelorette... I haven't watched it yet but I have it tivoed! I hope you have a GREAT day!!!

Manda said...

My evening... not so eventful. Caught up on LOST episodes and watched the finale.
Oh, and ate a LOT of sugar.

B said...

That is awesome about your friend! And I was so excited when I woke up and turned on espn to see that the Magic finally won. Dwight howard is one of my favs!

Jasmine Iris said...

you did have en eventful night! thats so cute that your friend is on the bachelorette. fingers crossed for him!

also, the button is about go up on my blog dearest!

my night? consisted of going to bed at 11. hehe.


carissa said...

wow, i don't even watch the show but it's super cool that you know him!!!