Sunday, January 23, 2011


"The weakness of our hunger for God is not because he is unsavory, but because we keep ourselves stuffed with "other things" -John Piper

Went to church this morning with Baily and it was a great service! The pastor talked about Fasting. I have never fasted nor has it been preached about at the church I attend. This quote from John Piper stood out to me. We are so caught up with "other things". I am so guilty of it! I choose to sleep in instead of getting up early to spend time in devotionals with God, I get caught up in blogging, Facebook, Twitter or the Internet in general instead of spending time with Him. I am guilty of thinking I need things like a Dr Pepper, Starbucks, ice cream (my comfort foods) when God is the one who should be my comfort...the one to indulge myself in. 

Where is our hunger for God? Where is MY hunger for God? I long for Him, to feel His presence but what am I doing, what am I sacrificing for it? 

I haven't figured out if I am going to fast this week, and/or what "other things" to sacrifice yet. Have y'all ever fasted before? I would love to hear your thoughts.

PS-*THREE of my giveaways end tonight at midnight!!!*


Anonymous said...

So many things I could say... man. I think fasting is a way for people to make excuses for not "feeling" God's presence. Ridding yourself of something for a week to "hear" God is so fascinating to me.

I think that if you feel that eating is taking away from your relationship with God, or drinking Starbucks or "indulging" in something is keeping you from feeling God's presence then you might reassess what you are looking for truly.

From what I know God's main calling for us is to LOVE others.

I think the pressure that the world/church puts on us is slightly unbiblical. I think that making people feel guilty about their relationship with Christ are people who should pluck that wood out of their own eyes first. Your relationship with God should definitely be challenged and I think that it's great but if you are feeling guilty because you are living your life then I think it's wrong.

Drinking Dr Pepper has nothing to do with loving God. Buying earrings or Christmas presents has nothing to do with loving God.... what you do with your LOVE for GOD and love for OTHERS is your best witness.

Just my 2 cents. :) Hope I didn't offend you. :)

Cole Franke said...

I like to think of it as practicing a little rebellion towards my flesh. I can, but I won't. I won't buy, eat, watch everything that is pleasurable to my flesh. I think its good to practice restraint and not indulge in all the worlds charms. ;) I like Beth Moore's quote-If you aren't actively doing things to not be absorbed by this culture than you probably already are." So true. Keep exercising Godliness! 1 Tim 4:7-8

hana.k said...

I think fasting is a great way to get re-focused in a time/place of seeking and longing to hear from God and distraction from the world. I haven't fasted more than a day or two (from food) but the time spent relying solely on Him for strength and praying with no other distractions has always been powerful. It just clears the mind and spirit and you do hear from God when you seek it just like He promises.

I think if you feel guilty, it's because God has convicted you through the message. That is something you'll need to get right with God through repentance and not something to feel down about because you know He loves you and has forgiven you. It's great when your heart is open enough to be convicted and that you know something needs to change. We do need to question our priorities and all of those "small" things do build up in the end to become bigger things between us and God.

And our relationship with God and living our life are not two separate things. Our lives should be completely devoted to God and that way of living comes from our relationship with Him and loving Him.

(In response to your post & reader comments)

Kim said...

fasting has been such a sweet intimate time with the Lord for me. because i struggled with an eating disorder for so long, i can't say that my fasting looks like everyone else's's still so great and an awesome way to spend more time in prayer and let the Holy Spirit guide decision making.

i would say for a first time, maybe try from sun up to sun down and then the next time 24 hours, etc.

BJJ said...

I love how the pastor explained all the different types of fasting for us. I really enjoyed that sermon. He took something that I have never fully understood and laid it out in a way that I really understood it and can apply it. I think it made me reevaluate some of my priorities and things that I let take over the time that I could be spending with him.
The Status message was good tonight - it was about our relationships: with God and with others. They both really tied together for me today and I got a lot out of it. Thanks for going to FBCO with me today! Can't wait for Summit next week.

Know what else I can't wait for?? To find out who won our giveaways! Love ya! xoxo

Alely said...

feeling the same way you are. i've always thought about fasting but never really attempted to do it. i love what Cole above wrote and i especially love that quote by beth moore.

BARBIE said...

I am currently in the last week of a 21-day fast. I am not a good faster. I held to my commitment the first week, but have struggled a bit up until now. But I try to not get to legalistic about it. Am I spending more time with God and getting into His word? Yes! There is something about denying the satisfaction of the flesh to allow oneself to be filled with the One Thing that can satisfy.

Discovery Street said...

yes...but fasting doesn't necessarily mean could be just giving up those "comfort" items for a week. It's hard, but very, very worth it.

chloƫ. said...

I really love this. It is so so true and sometimes I think, why am I wasting so much of my precious time on things that are so worthless? I always participate in a lenten fast, and will be praying about what I should honestly give up during this time, as well as praying for you in this journey.

Venessa said...

I love this is something that I have been feeling too! Thank you for sharing your heart! I am praying that you find what you need this week! Love ya, V