Friday, March 22, 2013

That one time...

...I hung out with seals!!!!!!!

My husband does his Army PT at this beach by our house ocassionally. He always ends up sending me pictures and talking about the seals that are beached there. I get so jealous, I want the chance to see them dangit! I have a huge heart for animals and I think seals are just one of the cutest sea animals, besides penguins!

Well what do ya know?! 

On my first trip to this beach I was graced with seeing Hawaiian Monk Seals! A pregnant mommy and her cub. Little did I know that they are endangered. I feel like every animal is endangered these days?! 

They were roped off but you could get super close to them. It was awesome! My friend and I made sure to sit as close as possible, we were so thrilled to see them cuties!

They oddly reminded me of Jax. The only movements they made were to sneeze, itch or shift from one sleep spot to another. A dogs life.

I really wanted to seem them do something! Thus after waiting a couple hours, the baby seal didn't disappoint. He decided to get up close and personal and take a lil swim. He actually looked like he was showing off for the camera and wanted to play! 

Besides seeing the seals, I actually really liked this beach. Full of locals, surfers, military. Felt like a Florida East Coast beach...home. It won't be my last visit, that's for sure!

I guess living here isn't too bad sometimes ;)

Next, I'd like to get up close and personal with some sea turtles!!


Megan said...

Oh wow! I would spend the whole day on the beach. You and your husband were lucky to see them!

Unknown said...

wow! that is SO neat!! what a cutie =) I really need to get my butt to the beach - even if the ones in CFL aren't nearly as beautiful as Hawaii!

Francesca Giusti said...

love seals and also your blog! It's so nice!!! I follow you!
Pass to my blog and if it likes you follow me too, I will be so glad :D

Ashley said...

I love penguins, seals, and sea turtles too! We'd get along great. ;) I'm hoping to spot some sea turtles on the beaches this spring. They're so fascinating.

Hawaii doesn't sound too bad. :)

Cara said...

Hahah cute! You are really close to them. Do people try and touch them?

Lauren said...

SO coooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

tara said...

eep!!! i love love love them!! mail me one! :)

Holly said...

I swam by a sea turtle when I snorkeled at Haunauma Bay!! So fun :) But seals would be awesome!!!

Alisha said...

Awww, I want to come visit you!! I've never been to Hawaii and of course, our Texas beaches never look this pretty. The only things we have beached are jellies, seaweed and the occasional drift wood. Oh and tons of trash coming off the barges….gross!

Please, can I come visit?!! :)

Alisha and Brandon {the blog}