Wednesday, March 27, 2013

POTW- Vitamins!

This week's Product of The Week is:

aka- the damn best gummy vitamins in the entire world.
"Vitafusion MultiVites provide an essential daily formula in a delicious gummy vitamin. They are specially formulated for adults and contain only natural, award winning flavors. They are the nutritious and delicious alternative." 

I have never really bothered to take vitamins. I hate pill popping. 1. I can never remember to take them. 2. I am lazy. 3. Pills just annoy me. I only take them if I absolutely must.

Well, I finally came around. I started taking women vitamins and amino acids while I was working out hardcore back in FL. Amongst the marriage and the move to Hawaii I slacked off and went away from taking those completely.  UNTIL... I found these gems. I saw them at the house I nanny for and so I decided to try them. AMAZING! Like I previously stated, the best gummy vitamins in the entire world. NO NASTY AFTER TASTE. (Flinstone gummy vitamins leave you with the nastiest after taste). I was sold. I take them just about every day now! Woo-hoo, I'm a big kid now!

What vitamins do you take daily? Suggest any?


Kait said...

I love these and swear by them! I found them at Target a couple years ago and that same brand makes a special Vitamin C one as well that I take if I feel a cold coming on. Love them!

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

Yes this is my favorite I hate real pills for vitamins they are gross! Gummy all the way!

The Morrows said...

I will have to try these! if only they made calcium gummies like these...

Holly said...

Mmm I might try these! I get some gummies from Aldi that are OK, but these look great!

Alisha said...

Brandon found a similar gummy vitamin that he loves and raves about. They're multi flavored and colored. He likes the grape ones the best ha! They're the Centrum flavor bursts. :)

Alisha and Brandon {the blog}

Ward Fam Adventures said...

OMG, your 1, 2, and 3 are exactly the way I feel.