Thursday, March 21, 2013

Hawaiian Herilooms

"Hawaiian Heirloom Jewelry's history dates back to England during the Victorian Era, when Queen Kapiolani and Princess Liliuokalani attended Queen Victoria's Jubilee in 1887. At the Jubilee they were presented with precious solid gold bracelets, with their names cut out in Old English Lettering filled with black enamel. The Queen and the Princess were so enraptured with their unique gifts that they had similar bracelets made for other Royal members upon their return to Hawaii. Thus, a legacy was created and it lives on today, stronger than ever. Hawaiian jewelry is often given to celebrate milestones; birthdays, graduations, weddings and anniversaries,  an heirloom that is passed on from generation to generation" -Royal Hawaiian Jewelry


When I worked at a local mall here, I worked among locals. I remember loving one of the ladies bracelets. She had about 4 different ones. They were beautiful and there was special meaning or moment behind each. Some were given to her by her parents and then special occasion gifts. I think it's so special to pass on gifts to your future children and their future children...etc. I wish my mom would have done that with me and my sister. Thus, my opportunity to start something new for my family and hopefully for generations to come.

 So, I've been wanting something for awhile now. I wanted a piece of Hawaii. A piece that I can take with me and remind me of my adventure on this island. Something that could in the future be passed on to my daughter, should I be blessed with one (and hopefully she has small fingers or wrists like me). 

Since money isn't growing on trees in the Ward house, I had to settle with something among our budget. I love silver. So, I went with a beautiful Princess Scroll ring from Makani Hawaii Jewelry. The picture doesn't show all the beautiful detailing in the ring, but it is so gorgeous and it just makes me smile so big (as if I don't have a big enough smile, right?? lol).

*I do hope to get a gold bracelet before leaving this island. 
Husband if you are reading this-hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge.*

What heirlooms have been passed down in your family? 

Do you plan to pass on anything to your children?


Anonymous said...

I love it. I don't have any heir looms passed down either but I think it's a great tradition. :)
Happy Thursday friend. XO

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

Very pretty.. I have lots of Hawaiian jewelery the fam bam loves Hawaii hence the August trip! :)

My mom has the bracelets and I have rings and necklaces too!

Lori said...

Pretty. I'm not a big Hawaiian jewelry kind of girl but am loving the seashell bangles that are popular now! Looking to get earrings and maybe a sea glass type of ring or something

Pilgrim said...

Dishes. :-)

Jane said...

I really really want a Hawaiian bracelet before we leave too. And, I might need your ring too. So cute!

Amanda Marshall said...

My dear! I'm trying to space a home this weekend through Hickam!! No idea if you'll be busy or around but maybe we'll have a chance to meet in person (:

Unknown said...

Your ring is very pretty..loved it..even m fond of rings..:)
Android Developer

Lauren said...

Gorgeous!!!!!!!! :)

JG said...

I'm set to inherit some of my grandma's jewelry (all costume, but still sentimental) when I can go back and pick it up. I'm really looking forward to having them.