Sunday, September 16, 2012


{late night date at Starbucks. me, my mac, and a psl}


reading where we belong, by emily giffin. a good beach read.
writing grocery shopping list.
listening to the two songs I am obsessed with right now... Gangnam Style and WOP
thinking i need to be still; spend more time in His word to get me through this transition in my life.
smelling coffee. yum.
wishing for things to brighten up.
hoping this week will be better than last week.
wearing lazy sunday clothes! my Dukes-Waikiki tank and shorts.
loving my new phone! finally went on Hubby's plan and got an iphone 4s. Hubby is getting the iphone 5 in a couple weeks. exciting stuff.
wanting to find a job already. i'm over sitting around the house and having no spending money of my own.
needing to run errands, but those can wait.
feeling tired. literally and figuratively.
clicking through pictures from my sisters wedding. they turned out so good!

{me and my iphone!}


Cheers to a lovely week and probably more dates with Starbucks and my Mac. 

Off to hike and explore a part of Oahu I haven't been yet! Yay!



Unknown said...

OMG, Gangnam Style-- yes!! I love it. I hope you have a better week!

Lori said...

i can't believe you live in HI now and I've been following your blog since before you were here! now we're in the same state :) do you miss having a 'fall' season?

Alexa said...

So cute! Hope this coming week is better! :)

Bonnie said...

Is it weird that I love running errands? I just like getting out of the house, I think.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Ashley said...

Yay! You did a currently post. (: I hear ya on needing to be still and focus on His word... I'm starting to feel like my life is always in transition.

Goodness, everyone and their brother has an iPhone now... I keep seeing more and more hype since the 5 is coming out. We may need to breakdown and get them some day (:

siddathornton said...

love, love, love your 'thinking.' i need to follow suit.

ps - thank you for linking up! :)

Michaela said...

I was thinking of starting that book soon! Do you love it? Ah, spending more time in the word is always something I need to do. Thinking of you xoxo

Janna Renee said...

I LOVE my iphone. I only have the 4, but I'm good with it. I didn't even want a smartphone, but they are addicting...well, I'm not on it constantly, but I LOVE being able to skype with the hubby and mapquest everything.