Monday, August 20, 2012

Surviving the First Week

Hubby (Soldier Boy) and I have survived our first week of living together!!

Hubby and I have never lived with someone we were dating, so this is all very new to us. 

Hubby didn't grow up with sisters so pray for him as he gets use to being around a female 24/7. Hehe. Luckily I had brothers to help me get use to living with men.

I am very use to being alone. My shower time has become my 'me' time.

My first dinner was a success! Hooray!

Getting use to no microwave and AC units in the windows of each room is a challenge, but having a gas stove is pretty dang awesome.

Shopping together, at first, was stressful. But now it's kind of fun. 

Getting use to how we grew up doing different things has been tough. I am use to one way, he is use to another. We've just gotta meet in the middle somewhere.

Hubby is awesome on the grill.

He takes such good care of me. I truly am so lucky.

Continue to pray for us!


Our mini honeymoon to Maui was amazing!  

I can't wait to share some pictures with y'all a must-do in Maui.

Living in Hawaii:

I don't like that the area we live in doesn't recycle. Need to get our own bins and do it ourselves.

I'm kind of glad I don't have a car right now because traffic here is crazy and the roads are confusing, and I can't pronounce them! Haha. I don't even know how to say the road we live on.

Right now I have my coffee in hand...that I made with our new Keurig (thanks for the gift cards friends and family!!!) ...and I didn't make it overflow! Woohoo, pretty proud of myself. 

Hubby is at work, so today consists of lots of organizing (the man has clothes EVERYWHERE) and cleaning, browsing for jobs, beds, and a car. I don't like having just one income, even though it's been nice to not work.

Slowly but surely our town home is becoming a home.

I miss my baby boy, Jax, so much. I tear up every time Hubby mentions him or I think about him. He doesn't get to come to the island til the end of October. This is the only amount of home-sickness I have had. 

It's nice to be back on here! I've missed y'all!


Megan said...

Lurker Here! :)

Welcome back and congratulations on getting married. I can't wait to read about your honeymoon.

I am so glad you will be posting more, I love following along.

Beth @ The Goad Abode said...

So glad the honeymoon was fun! The first weeks of adjusting to living together were a challenge for me too. It took lots of communication and grace :)

Rebekah said...

So happy things are going well!! Living together is a big adjustment. As long as you both are willing to compromise it will (hopefully) be a smooth transition :)

Christina said...

I'm glad you've gotten settled in! It's a bit of an adjustment, but it's also so much fun living with your hubby :)

Anonymous said...

Yay! Sounds like you two are doing great! It is definately an adjustment but before long it will be second nature. You look amazing too!
How awesome to get to live in Hawaii :)

Sarah Ann said...

Hi, sweet!!
I had no idea your blog was here still. For some reason I lost you in cyber space!
But I'm SO happy you're happily married now :) I'm more than a little hopelessly romantic, so I got a little giddy when I read about your new marriage!
I hope you're doing wonderfully!!!!

SarahBeth said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! Glad that you and hubby are adjusting to living together and things are going well! :)

It was an adjustment for Shawn and I too and there are still some things that drive me nuts about him (Laundry on the floor and not in the laundry basket is one of them), but I learn to pick and choose my battles.

Also, shopping with my bf is like shopping with a 5 year old. But its fun. ;)

Sorry, long comment was long. :D

Aly @ Analyze This said...

Awe! Glad the first week wasn't too bad!!! I can't imagine leaving Jax, but you'll see him soon enough :)

Praying for y'all!

Ashley said...

Yay! So happy you're finally in Hawaii with your hubs. Poor Jax... I bet he misses you too. I'm sure he'll be super happy to reunite too. (:

I can't wait to see some gorgeous honeymoon pics!

Amanda said...

look at you homemaking! :) it is an adjustment for sure....but being married is the BEST thing ever. im sorry about mr jax! i hope you get him very soon!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the start of a fabulous adventure together :) You two will definitely make it through... Pictures of the neighborhood? House you're living in?

Chrissi said...

Living together was the hardest part (still is, sometimes) of being married. two different worlds (and expectations) living under one roof can be a challenge, BUT you learn what you can each compromise on and you make it happen. Slow and steady wins the race, my friend! You will get it under control ;) Praying for the two of you right now. XO

Kasey Lynne said...

So I'm catching up on blogs so first of all, I LOVE the new look. So cute!

I'm a little jealous that you get to live in Hawaii. What an adventure!!

Hoping and praying that you can find a great job out there!!