Monday, June 10, 2013


Oh hey, remember me??

Ya, sorry for my unannounced hiatus!
(unless you follow me on IG then you know what I was up to) 

*The Hubs and I went on a two week vacation back to the East Coast. Boy was is wonderful and much needed. We spent some time in Florida and most of it in North Carolina. We celebrated our one year anniversary (can you freaking believe that?!) in the mountains at a quaint bed and breakfast. It was hard leaving NC. We love it there and are really hoping to make it back there when we finally settle down. Very excited to be back with all my boys, though a break from the furchildren was pretty darn nice. I'll post more about our trip/adventures throughout this week!

*As wonderful as the vacation was, the Hubs and I both gained some serious pounds. I've mentioned before that we were on the Yeast Free diet and doing so awesome with it. Then vacation came, and we really did try, but it's hard when you are not in your own home and are having to eat out all the time as you visit with people. More than half of the trip my stomach was upset and I was so bloated. It was horrible. On this aspect, I am very glad to be back home and back on a regular eating schedule!

*Over the vacation I came across this 10 day herbal cleanse by Advocare from Raven. I knew it would be perfect for when I got back! I'll be starting it today. Excited to try Advocare for the first time and see how well this does with cleansing my body. Have you tried Advocare and/or this cleanse before?? 

Off to nurse my headache. Time change and 10 hour flights are no fun.

Have a fabulous Monday!


Kasey Lynne said...

I've grown up in California my entire life, but a small part of me really wants to move to NC. I've heard so many amazing things about that place, PLUS I heard that it doesn't snow there very often. Win-win in my book!

Holly said...

I've missed you around here, but I've been MIA too!! I love following you on IG and being jealous of your Hawaii pics :) Glad to know that your cleanse and healthy eating is going well!!