Monday, June 24, 2013

Yoga Loft Hawaii

 "The word yoga comes from Sanskrit, the language of ancient India. It means union, integration, or wholeness. It is an approach to health that promotes the harmonious collaboration of the human being's three components: body, mind, and spirit."

I had the most amazing experience at. My first 'official' yoga class. It was powerful. I left feeling rejuvinated, cleansed, and at peace. It was so very different from my practice of yoga at home. I am so excited to see where Yoga takes me each week!  

I challenge you to go try a yoga class.

Most times there are specials for your first class at a yoga studio! 


Chelsea E. said...

Yoga in a studio or gym is so much better than yoga at home. I feel like getting away from all the stuff I could be doing and my stuff in our house is so good!

Ashley said...

I've only taken one yoga class, and there have been a few times I did yoga along with a dvd at home. Taking a class was so much more effective for me. Plus, the yoga instructor can come around and correct anything you may not be doing right. I hope you keep enjoying your yoga classes!

Brooke said...

I have only tried yoga once, and that was back during my first year of college! I have been meaning to try it again...reading about your yoga fun makes me really want to!

whit | Black Little Button blog said...

A year or so ago I tried "heated yoga" and it was awesome. Especially because it was in the middle of winter :)

Holly said...

Oh I LOVE going to yoga classes!! Definitely one of my favorite things to do, I just wish I had more time and money to devote to it!!