Thursday, April 7, 2011

Guess What?!

I am slowly coming back from my blogging hiatus! It hit me yesterday, that I am ready to come back to blogging, but at a slow pace because I am still very busy. I graduate June 3rd! Holla! So, please bare with me!

Warning: Random Post

First and foremost... thanks to all who have kept me in their prayers, sent me emails, comments and tweets. Love y'all so much! You are all so dear to my heart.

Michabella's Cupcakery is getting some business here and there, but is at a standstill until I can find the money to rent a kitchen in order to get my mobile vendors permit/license to take my cupcakes to farmer's markets.

Well as y'all know I've been a wreck the past couple of months. I really drifted away from God, because I have just been so disappointed and sad/mad at what I have had to go through (losing friends, having few friends, heart break after heart break, loss of hope). I have felt so numb and so hopeless. I skipped church for awhile. I was mad at Him. I am still not where I should be in my relationship with Him, but it's getting better. I am just really trying to live in the moment and be HAPPY! I have actually found myself laughing hysterically on a couple of recent dates I went on. Laughter is so good and was so needed. The men...not so much.

{enjoying blueberry beer}

The other day, I found out "the ex" was dating someone. STAB.IN.THE.HEART. I baked that day to keep my thoughts somewhere else and from breaking down. Then I heard this song, Chris Young-Tomorrow.
It's just perfect. Music and I have this connection. Songs help me get through certain times and trials in my life, that's the beauty of music. Music is a part of me.
"Baby when we're good, you know we're great..."

"We're like fire and gasoline
I'm no good for you, you're no good for me
We only bring each other tears and sorrow..."

I finally found closure. I can finally move on and I wish him happiness, I really do.
Back to cupcakes...I have been messin' around with how to ship my cupcakes. It's frustrating when you dont have the resources or money like the big wigs. I think I am going to ship them in jars...ya know, like cupcake in a jar. The jar will have two cupcakes in it. I am thinking of charging $5 plus the price to ship it out. It will be cheap because I am going to use a priority mail box from USPS. The cupcake will hold it's tastiness longer since it's in a jar. I am going to try and get the supplies this weekend to ship out next week! I will probably do a blog post about it on Monday, so if you are interested...stay tuned!
Have a lovely Thursday friends!


Unknown said...

YAY! I'm so excited to see you back here. It's such a breath of fresh air. :) I can completely understand where you're coming from and I'm sure God does too. You can't know everything and be ok all the time. It's ok to feel the way you do, because like what is happening come out of it stronger and wiser. That blueberry beer sounds delicious! And, so does all the cupcake talk about putting them in jars. Can't wait to see what you've been up to! :D

Rebekah said...

I'm so glad you're slowly coming back! It's ok to go through this. I know that my walk with Him hasn't always been great, but He always teaches me something during it! I love that you're shipping cupcakes! That's interesting to send them in jars. I wouldn't have thought of that!

Jasmine Iris said...

haha oh my gosh...i just had blueberry beer last night! :)

Yay for graduating! Thats on my birthday so I know that June 3rd will be pretty awesome! :) I am so happy for you hun!

I hope the cupcake thing works out for you!!


Unknown said...

Yay!! welcome back!!

Dates are always exciting -- sorry you aren't finding Mr. Right. At least you seem to be having fun with the Mr Right Nows =) Keep your head up girl!

yay for graduating soon -- its so close =)

Rebecca said...

Cupcakes sent in a jar sounds like a FABULOUS idea. The cupcakes won't get smooshed in-transit plus, like you said, they will stay fresh.

And it's a UNIQUE idea. Good for you, Michelle!

Take care!

Amanda said...

i was excited to see your post today! :) thinking about you girl! i always try to remind myself that God is unchanging! even when i mess up and feel like i am not where i want to be in my relationship with Him. He doesn't change! i'm so excited for your cupcakes biz. you have got some great ideas! :)

According to Jax said...

Yay! I'm so glad your back as I love keeping up with you!
I'm in Cincinnati...want to test deliver me a cupcake???? :)


Christina said...

Yay! You're back!! So exciting!

I love the cupcake in the jar idea...too cute!

Also, graduating soon! Woo hoo!

Unknown said...

I know I have had struggles with faith as well but the amazing thing is that even if we struggle, God doesn't! He is still there waiting for us to come back to Him!

Figure out what you need to figure out! And get happy! The world is so much better when you smile :)

Wishing you the best!

melissa said...

Thinking of you during this time. I am going through a break up myself and with all the bad things happening lately it's easy to drift away from God but maybe it's his way of testing us to see what we do with these situations. I am struggling too but I am reading the Psalms right now and I am finding great comfort in everything I'm reading. Maybe you will too. I pray your relationship with God mends itself and grows stronger than you ever imagined. Good things will come to you for the future! I know it, we just need to be patient and that is so hard to do! Keep your chin up!! Thinking of you and sending you lots of happiness and love! xoxo

Miss Chelsea said...

Welcome back! I'm glad to hear you're tyin up lose ends and puttin on a smile!! I love that song Tomorrow too

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

Aww I'm glad your back I missed you! I hope your okay I know it's rough sometimes! But those cupcakes have to help :)

Unknown said...

cute blog! excited to be your newest follower. found you through "story of my life". <3

Anonymous said...

So excited to have you back!! :)

BJJ said...

The jar idea - perf! I bet it will be a big hit at weddings... you should intertwine your jar idea into the display at the wedding you are doing next month! That way, you can leave the "out of town guests" with assurance that there IS a way to bring the tastiness to their neck of the woods!

Brooke D said...

sooo thankful you found closure- i know how difficult that is!! praying for you!!!! i would love if you could ship (or at least not post pics on facebook until you can hahahha because when you posted that oreo cupcake, i thought i was going to have to fly to Florida the next day)... They look SO yummy!! I would defiantly buy some :)

Megan said...

I'm so glad that you are slowly making your way back. It can be SO tough to get over an ex, but I'm so glad that you can realize that y'all are not good for each other. I think it shows maturity when you can wish your ex happiness. That is beautiful. Just like you.

I will be praying for you, sweet girl!

Alyssa said...

Move here and open a cupcake shop with me, mmmmkkaayy?

BARBIE said...

It was nice to see you pop up in my reader today! Praying God is close to you during these stormy times. He is faithful!

Sarah said...

Yea! I've been checking every day :) Congrats on the upcoming graduation! Think of all the time you'll have once that is done. I can imagine you'll fill that time pretty quickly.

I have always identified so much with music. God always just seams to give me songs that fit with whatever I am going through. Such a blessing.

Love the jar idea for shipping. SO MANY cute ways you'll be able to do unique packaging accents with them.

Remember that even though we go through times where we are not as close to God, He is constant with His "Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love." - From The Jesus Storybook Bible. If you have never read it, I urge you to get it. Doesn't matter that it is a kids book, it makes me cry because the wording is so beautiful.

You thought your post was long and about my comment ;)