Monday, March 7, 2011

Temporary Goodbye

{warning- this is a ridiculously long and rather random post}

"She's a curse word cause it's Monday" -Brad Paisley

The Good: Friday I was up very late baking 5 dozen cupcakes with my new KitchenAid, which all turned out amazing! Saturday I was up early to put the finishing touches on the cupcakes, deliver them, then head out to my sweet friend, Sonja's, baby shower for the day, that was really fun!
The Bad: I had plans to do dinner with a friend but that got cancelled, as well as all the plans to hang out with friends this weekend...awesome. Sunday was planned to be full of rest and relaxation, but Sunday had other plans for me. Jax decided to give himself a mud bath. I walk out to the backyard and see him immersed in a little pool of mud. He was loving life, me...not so much. Jax then decides he doesn't want to listen to his momma and wants to play a game of running away everytime I get close to catching him. It took me 10 minutes to get a hold of him, oh and by this time I too am covered in mud. Finally, I got Jax in the bath and cleaned up. 20 minutes later he pukes up a huge wad of grass. Seriously?!?! I finally calm myself down and since the weather men lied about the 80% chance of rain, I decide to go on a bike ride. And what do ya know!?? Not only are there hurricane force winds (minor exaggeration), but it decides to downpour on me. At this point I don't know whether to laugh or cry. My family then decides to go see a movie and fails to invite me...another awesome. So I decide to go do some shopping because shopping always makes my day better and it did, but I really wish there could have been an extra day to my weekend, because I really could have used it. And's Monday. Need I say more?

On to more serious business...

Despite the extreme joy of opening my cupcakery, which has been going fabulous by the way... Things have been really rough for me lately. I have been having a hard time smiling...and this is not okay because I love to smile and I normally smile all the time! I am extremely busy. I work full time, go to school full time, and have a side business. I try to squeeze in time to work out but some days that just isn't possible. I haven't been sleeping completely through my nights, and stay up way later than I should to get things finished that I need to. I constantly feel exhausted and overwhelmed. I am so over dating, seriously men these days are pathetic. I am so over crappy friendships. Jax is my best friend. I am considering not doing the Triathlon anymore because I just don't have the energy or time to train. Saying that I am a mess is a huge understatement.

I have decided to take a step back from blogging for awhile. I just really need this right now. I will still be commenting on the blogs I regularly follow, but I just won't be as active with this for some time, so please forgive me sweet friends.

And because every post needs a picture... I made this Elmo cupcake yesterday...


Anna @ IHOD said...

Sad to hear you are broken, but it seems you are taking the right steps to make it all better.
Will be keeping in touch regardless.
Prayers and hugs Michelle! <3

Janie | We Heart Paper said...

I hope that the tides change for you and you find whatever it is that you're missing in your life to make you smile. Congratulations on your cupcakery - being a entrepreneur is hard at times but well worth the trouble and I have all the faith that you will LOVE it. <3

ilene @ muchloveilly said...

first, cute cupcake - he made me smile today.

second, girl i am proud of you! i cant say that im not sad that you wont be blogging regularly - but at the same time, it sounds like you are making a wise move. excited to see what the new future holds for you!

i pray that this is a season where you might be taking a break for some thing buts more importantly being drawn closer to our Savior.

Love you!

Rebekah said...

I'm sorry to hear you're taking a step back from blogging, but I understand. I hope things go well for you and start to improve! LOVE the Elmo cupcake. It's beyond cute!

Miss Chelsea said...

Take care of yourself... hope you find your smiles soon, if you do send me some please!

ty said...

I understand completely. If you want to rant and rave to a neutral party who gets it, just shoot me an email :) find that smile.

Lindsey said...

Sometimes life is just rough, isn't it? :( It seems that God always teaches the most in those seasons, though. Praying for you, sweet girl.

Alisha said...

LOVE that Elmo cupcake!! God works with us all in mysterious ways. I had no idea you were needing a smile today.. Girl, my post is specifically for you! SMILE. :)
Love you sweet friend. God promised he would never give us more than what we can bare. You are strong! Take some time for yourself and remember, take one step at a time!

Kristin said...

Oh Michelle, you take all the break you need! I know how exhausting life can be - and blogging, instead of always being a joy, can sometimes be just another thing on the to-do list. We'll miss you here - take good care of sounds like you need a little girl time at the spa :-) Hugs, ~Kristin

Rachel said...

Wow, we both really need to go on vaca together and vent. Seriously. I love you and thanks for your comment. I don't feel so alone, even though I'd rather you not feel the funk I feel =/

Unknown said...

I absolutely and COMPLETELY understand you on this. I was actually considering this move myself. I am exhausted too and I'm quite worried how my blog life will be once I start full time in school in August. I only wish the best for you dear and that things fall into place for you. By that, I mean that I hope for extra time for yourself and time off. I know that you'll come out of this tiring time period as a much stronger person. Rooting for you, as always!


Whim Wham Life said...

YOU go girl. Your blog is always here to come back to, whenever, but you have to take time for yourself and life. You have some big and special dreams/goals. So excited for you! Praying you have so many sweet moments:-) xoxo

Sandy a la Mode said...

aw i can't wait to see the cupcakes you made for sonja's shower!! and i can't wait to see pics of her shower too!! awww we will miss you from blogging!! but will still see you on twitter! ;)

chloë. said...

Aww sweet friend, take all the time you need! It's better to take a step back from a few things and be able to breathe than to try to get it all done with a fake smile on your face. Praying God gives you the rest you need. We'll miss you!

Christina said...

Aww I hope everything is ok! Let me know if you'd like to get together for dinner sometime soon! Probably the beginning of April would work best, but I would love it!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you feel drained. You have a lot going on girl, it's completely understandable. Good luck with your cupcakery. The cupcake looked awesome! Breeeaathe!

Unknown said...

girl girl girl! I identify SO much with the post its not even funny...weekends dont last long enough, and I feel like I never have any free time to do anything that actually brings me joy....lets quit everything and travel the country k?

Brooke D said...

wow!! well you are missed in the blog world!!! elmo is AMAZING!!!

C Mae said...

I hope you find it!!! Your smile that is :)

Tiffany said...

I will definately miss your blog! Hope you find some balance and get your happy back! :)


Megan said...

I'm SO sorry that things have been so rough for you, Michelle! Sounds like you are taking a good step by slowing down on blogging. We will still be here when you are ready to come back! I love that Elmo cupcake. You are SO talented!

BARBIE said...

May God refresh you and bring wholeness during your time away. Hope you come back soon!

Melissa: Write it in Lipstick said...

you gotta do what you gotta do hon, take the refresher and come back strong.

Michelle said...

You have to do what's best for you! We'll all be here for you when you return :) Love the cupcake! You are so talented!

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

You will be missed! Have a good break and I love that cupcake. It looks so cute and yummy!

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

LOVE your elmo cupcake!!!!

I just took a break from blogging, too....and it felt great!!! :)

Sarah said...

You know all the bloggers out there understand! And remember that you aren't the only mess out there :) You have lots of company. And we'll all be just fine in the grander scheme of things.

Philippians 4:6.....breathe in, breathe out......pray constantly (and do some baking therapy).

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you're in need to this break!! Take time for yourself and get back to doing things for you :) You'll find your smile soon enough girl! AOT

Chrissi said...

you are missed...and that elmo is too cute!

Anna Elder said...

i hate when my dogs behave that way. the other night my husband and i came home to find that our beagle had managed to open the trash drawer and completely ripped open and ate everything to shreds. it's seriously the worst and makes me feel so helpless.

i am sad that you are taking a break, but sweet girl, it sounds like you have a lot going on in your day to day life. i can honestly say i have been there and i totally understand. my break from blogging was really nice and i really missed it when i came back so it was great to come back feeling refreshed.

i do hope that you get the needed rest and relaxation that you so deserve. and if you ever want to email me to just have a gripe fest about how crappy friends and boys are please feel free. because i have been there too! many times!! :)
