Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fur-Mom Files

Did you know the entire United States had some kind of freeze warning yesterday?! Yeah, we had snow flurries here in Chattanooga. My #FLgirl self acted like a little 4 year old. Jax, on the other hand, definitely is not loving this cold weather. {He is currently on my heated blanket} We have stocked up on blankets (thank you Big Lots!) & doggie coats (thank you Amazon!).

Anyway, since buying a home, we have had to really cut back on spending and a lot of our luxuries. It's been really hard, but that's a whole other issue. One of the ways we have saved money is by doing our dogs nails ourselves. Yikes, right? Well, I have watched the groomers do my dogs nails for long enough now and figured, "hey it can't be that hard, right?!" I bought this Dremmel Pet Grooming Kit, and I am so happy we did. I have always been picky about how they grind Jax's nails because he has a long nail bed. No more worries. It's also a plus that he thinks he is totally having a day at the spa when I do his nails. For Gunner... we have to actually trim his because he is not a fan of the Dremmel.

Also, if you have a puppy... take them to groomer's from a very young age! Get them use to their paws being touched and their nails being trimmed. Makes life that much easier. 

What do you do on your own to save money for your dogs? Do you trim their own nails too?

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