Wednesday, April 3, 2013

POTW- Brows


Something very important to me and my face. Some people have beautiful luscious perfect brows. I hate you. Some have tattooed brows. And then there are some who have none or very few. I fall in the last category. 

Do you ever realize how funny we would look without eyebrows? They really shape our entire face!

Disturbing, ya?

I never leave the house without putting my eyebrows on. {a few exceptions- getting the mail or walking the dog} I am always on the hunt for the best brow products. Sometimes the products can be a pretty penny so I have to work with what I can afford. For a few months now I have been using two eyebrow products that I love, though one I could do without if I could just find the perfect brow powder. If you know of one, hook a girl up! 

I feel it necessary to share these brow favorites with you, just in case we happen to fall in the same boat as I.

Life changer. Should be a staple in every woman's makeup bag.

I'm a big fan of Clinique products. I love this. It really is great and I love the highlighting duo with it. But, once I find the perfect brow powder I probably won't use this as much. Just keepin' it real y'all.

{no brow=scary; just #2; #1 & #2}

Life is better with brows.

*The Beauty Department and Kate from The Small Things Blog both have great brow tutorials.*


Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

It's so crazy what some eyebrows can do for a person! I found pics of me before filling in my eyebrows! Holy cow it was bad!

Anonymous said...

People don't give brows enough attention...they can make SUCH a difference!!

Holly said...

Ooo...I'm gonna have to look into those products. I have teeny tiny brows and have to draw them on every day!!

Adrienne @ The Art of Being Black and White said...

Honestly, I have never thought about this because I have dark eyebrows and a lot of them! But soooo true! Looks like you do an amazing job with yours!! I know when I get mine plucked I look 10 times better, I'm just kind of lazy about it most times than not :-)
New GFC follower!
Adrienne @

Jane said...

I love your new blog look. Adorable. And I'm so wiht you on brows. Those products look great!

Janna Renee said...

It's really amazing how brows make such a difference!

Kasey Lynne said...

I've been using Benefit's Brow Zings for a couple years now and it's amazing!