Monday, April 1, 2013


A Hawaiian Easter Sunrise

reading The Language of Medicine and actually enjoying it.... who am I??
writing in the planner I rarely use. Or better yet, only use when I am feeling stressed and need to plan out my weeks/months/thoughts.
listening to some peace and quiet and the hubs on his computer.
thinking of how exhausted I am but how I wouldn't change a thing about this weekend/day! So good. I'll sleep when I am dead.
smelling one of my new favorite Scentsy fragrances! April's Sunny & Share.
wishing that things to come together in the next year.
hoping April will treat us well.
wearing pj's, I really should get to bed. 
loving coffee. (rather fitting for this blog, no?) Specifically Donut House K-cups. Y'all, I am downing two cups a day lately.
wanting happiness and to get through my medical classes.
needing to go bed. Bet you didn't guess that one. I also really need to finish the laundry... Our clothes are clean, they just haven't made it upstairs and into our dressers. Yes, I am that lazy, but lately other things have been more important.
feeling exhausted. Life is hard sometimes, ya know?
clicking: through Easter weekend pictures of my family back home. Being away on holidays is so tough. It's not always rainbows and sunshine, y'all.

White Plains Beach, Hawaii


Caroline said...

Gorgeous pics! Hope you had a good Easter!

Anonymous said...

Love your pictures. God has a plan and when the time is right it will be revealed. Keep your head up!

Kait said...

Great pic of White Plains! I hope you guys had so much fun at your BBQ :)

Ashley said...

Oh my gosh... "Sunny and Share", that is a funny name! :) I miss my family on the holidays too. We just had a talk about whether or not we want to live in Florida, because sometimes it's really hard being so far from family... especially during the holidays. We've been trying to figure out how to make it feel more like home, but it's been a struggle.