Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday

(link up!)

Top 2 things you want to accomplish before the end of the year:

Run a 5k in under 30 minutes. I was so disappointed in myself from the 5k I ran on Saturday. Granted it was one of the hottest days and I have never before run a 5k this early in the season...but I literally wanted to cry as I crossed the finish line. It was a struggle. And to have no one there (as in family/friends/etc) cheering me on was probably the worst part.

My time? 35:24 (makes me cringe) and my pace was 11:23.5 per mile.


I want a changed heart. Yes, that is right. I want to have a selfless, patient, and kind heart. I can only accomplish this with the help of Him. Each day I pray for this. Each day God is working in my heart. Each day I have tasks in front of me where I can practice these acts. I long for it. I have never wanted something more. I have been doing so much thinking with all this time on my hands and have been shown that my heart wasn't in the right place. It was rude and selfish.
I am not perfect. But there is always room for improvement.

I love growing experiences like this. How lost I would be without my God. He is so good! Pray for me and the work God is doing in and through me.

*Amazing books I suggest*:
Love Dare (I know I am all about this book, but I can't help that it's so great!)
The Five Love Languages


Unknown said...

Michelle, it's incredible, incredible that the Lord has brought us together to be friends and fellow bloggers. Literally the one thing you want most, is EXACTLY what I've been longing for for nearly a year. I want to be a lady of a gentle and quiet spirit; of patience, selflessness, and kindness. This is SO AWESOME He has given us each other. I love you sister.

Jamie said...

I love this. You're an amazing woman! If I could have been there, I would have been cheering louder than anybody! (like a crazy person, I'm sure. haha!) These trials you're going thru will show you strength that you never knew you had and you'll be able to use it to help somebody else. God has an amazing plan for you. I have no doubt. Big hugs to you! xoxo -j

P.S. Thanks for the blog comment. I reallyyyy appreciate it. I figured I'd step on some toes with that one. ha!

B said...

Aw. Love your pics! I'm sorry about your 5k. You will ROCK your next one. Heck of a lot better than I would do ;)

And you're amazing. Truly a great little lady! I love the Love Dare, too :)

Unknown said...

I hope this does not sound too harsh, because that is not my intention...but you were 5:24 short? Oh come on!!! You can do it! Don't be so hard on yourself Michelle. Do you know how many people(such as myself) only wiiiiish to be able to even run ONE mile? If you're not giving yourself the credit you deserve and motivation to beat out those 5 minutes and 24 seconds, here I am to do it for you! If I lived in FL...I would have definitely been there at the finish line, because I know how that feels. :) Secondly, you are such a thoughtful and kind person! Only a person that is so good can wish that upon themselves -- only to be more selfless, kind, and patient. These are all the things I am wishing more of too for me. Best of luck to everything dear and always knows that you deserve that beautiful smile on that face. Use it. :)

Caroline said...

You can do the 5K!!! And a few years back, I prayed to be more patient and let me tell you, it is one of the hardest lessons to learn. I am still learning. I thought I'd learned the lesson last year, but then this year I was faced with another chance to be more patient. I am still learning and I guess it'll be an ongoing process my entire life.

Tami said...

I'm coming over from Top Two Tuesday. You were right above me so I thought I'd check out your blog and become a follower. My list was pretty similar to yours this week. I hear you on the 5k- but like others have said- there are people out there who would be thrilled to run one in that time. Don't be too hard on yourself- I bet you will be thrilled with your time at your next 5k!

Nicole-Lynn said...

Ohh congrats on the 5k... you can do it! :)

And yes, there is always room for self improvement. That is a wonderful thing to aspire for. I am also trying to be a better person and to be kinder to others.

Sonja said...

I wish I could be your running buddy!! (after the baby? :D) You can totally do under 30 min! And yes, running with this weather is a feat in itself!!

I am so happy for you, girl. Your heart is totally headed in the right place. You are in my prayers!

chloë. said...

You'll totally get a sub-30min 5K by the end of the year. It's amazing what running in nice weather will do to your time. :] I'll be rooting for you!!

And what's amazing is that if we are truly able to give up everything to Him, He can change our hearts without our help. Crazy, no? It's just the giving-up part that we make harder than necessary on ourselves. I'll be praying for you!

Amanda said...

good job on your 5k! just doing it is so huge! a lot of people (like myself) always talk about doing them...but never do it! :) you did it, finished and got a great time!!! i'm sure you'll kill the next one!!! i'm so thankful for God's love and how is molds and changes us to be more like Him! that is my prayer for myself too. God to change my heart so i can be more like Him. praying that you have a wonderful week!!! with love,

Manda said...

I love both of your "goals"... and I believe fully that you {with the help of God} will see both to fruition.

Jasmine Iris said...

your goals are amazing! i know you will accomplish them too darling. you are always in my prayers! <3


the chirpy bird said...

Love Languages is fun! Great book and I always think it's a great idea to have goals in mind!
xo tash

Unknown said...

Great picks! Either way, running a 5k is an accomplishment. Each time you can strive to do better.

Ms. Emmy N said...

Great picks miss! You should be super proud of completing the 5k and with your determination I am sure you will get your time down in no time! And I love your second choice... we all have room for improvement. Recognizing it is the first step :)

Anna @ IHOD said...

Well yay that you even ran the 5k!! You go girl.

And what a beautiful thing to ask God every day. A good reminder that we cannot be anything without him! Have a wonderful weekend! <3