Friday, June 18, 2010


I am stoked, for a couple reasons today:

The most obvious's FRIDAY!


Hmmm...Maybe for my birthday next month?

*And I finally got TREK back!! I encountered some complete dorkness last night... I seriously had a huge grin on my face when the bike guy brought my bike out. It was like seeing your pet after being gone for like a week! I felt just like that...with my BIKE! Haha. Whatever... REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD.

Also, VERY proud of myself for having put together my shoes and putting on my cleats. So I then decided to give them a try on my bike...

(my pretty shoes)

(For those who aren't familiar with road bikes: The cleat is on the bottom of my shoes. I have to clip onto the pedal where the circle on the cleat is)

Well at first I couldn't figure out how to connect the cleat to the pedal (because I wasn't doing it right). So after sweat and tears I came inside to try to find a YouTube video to guide me. After 15minutes finally went outside for attempt #2. Woo Hoo finally got one foot clipped in...and....ohhh....CRASH. Idk how it even happened. I was at a stand still and next thing I knew I was on the floor. It wasn't an instinct to unclip my foot from the pedal. I hit the ground HARD. My body hurts today. My poor hands are torn up at the knuckle. TREK is perfectly fine, of course. I got up after that though and pinned myself between the garage and my mom's car (for balance) so I could practice clipping in and out. I am too freaked out to go on a bike ride with them. AH!

(picture of my battle wounds taken last they are red and swollen!)

I am only working a half day today, but it's not for an exciting reason. I am going back to the doctor's office to get a test done. Please pray that everything goes well and the test results come back negative. Thanks in advance!



Ashley said...

I hope the doctors goes ok!! I'm glad you got your bike back :)

I'm so excited for the theme park, very jealous it's so close to you. It's on the other side of the country and then down to the bottom of the ext country for me!

Have a great weekend! :D

Christine said...

Praying for you!!!

Brooke D said...

Praying for you!! Oh my goodness, that fall just sounded horrible!! I used to go to spinning class and saw people wearing cleats.. I always wondered how they got them out so fast on real bikes. You will get the hang out of it though. AHH a Harry Potter ride?! Amazingness!! You will have to blog all about that when you go. You should definitely come to Texas!!

Have a great FRIDAY!!!

chelsea rebecca said...

i hope you are okay!!

and i want to go to harry potter land so bad!!

Unknown said...

I hope everything is ok! I love Harry Potter :D


Heather said...

That's funny, I had that song "reunited and it feels so good" in my head when I read your blog title, then you wrote it...too funny. My hubby does the road bike thing and he always used to tell me that the clips were tricky to get used to. I think he said to clip out you have to act like your kicking a dog running up next to you or something weird. idk...oh well. Good luck!

kalie brynn. said...

Oh dear, poor girl! I would be scared to try again too ha! But you will get it next time, I know it.

OH MY GOSH I want to go to the wizarding world of harry potter so so is my dream at this point in my life.

I hope the doctors visit goes well, I hate those..:/ Praying for you, girl.

Amanda said...

i saw the harry potter park on the today show this morning!! haha! sorry to hear about your accident. hope u feel better...and i hope you get good news at the doctor!

Jodi Kendall said...

I would LOVE to visit the new Harry Potter world. It looks amazing. I wish I could take my nieces.


alex alford said...

oh girl- i totally agree with going to harry potter! i want to go SO badly- i'm hoping to make it a reality!

bike shoes are pretty crazy- i've never dealt with them but i have a lot of friends who ride bikes and they say that it takes awhile to get used to having to unclip from the pedal! i'm sure you'll get it down in no time!

i hope that all things went well at the doctor today!

Jasmine Iris said...

i hope your appointment goes well love! ill be praying for you <3

I AM SO EXCITED FOR HP!!!! i want to go SOOO bad!


Alison Kinsey said...

Aww I hope your test results come out okay! I heard about the Harry Potter park opening. I want to go sometime soon!

jules! ( said...

awww hope you're okay
welcome back to the bike world

hope you had a good weekend

Unknown said...

Look at you cute lil biking girl:-) Love your shoes. Hope your weekend is going well!!!

Eleanor said...

oh im happy you got your bike back!
happy birthday next month - it's mine today! :)
i am DYING to go to harry potter... looks AMAZING! :) but i live so far away... ;( love the blog
cute post!
check mine out?

Kristin said...

So jealous that you are close to the new Harry Potter WW! My and my hubby are desperate to go visit! You'll have to have a virtual tour and tell us all about it :-) Is it weird that all us "adults" are so stoked about this theme park addition??! Hope your Dr. visit went well... Thanks for your sweet words of encouragement! You are a dear... ~Kristin from Windy Poplars