Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hi Friends! I don't have much to post today. I finally was able to sleep but for some reason my alarm clock scared the crap out of me this morning! Like...I sat straight up in bed when it went off, heart racing! Bad start to the day. (Thank goodness it's almost Friday!)

I went on a bike ride yesterday night...and was awful! I was so uncomfortable (I think it had to do with my back) and my chain is messed up. I am so upset because I had planned a long bike ride for Saturday, but that isn't looking possible. Grrr.

*For those who are looking into prepared so spend money. It isn't cheap. I tend to jump into things too fast when I am set on getting something...and don't bother researching it. I have spent about half of what I paid for the bike already! And now I have to spend more $ to get it fixed (which I am hoping won't be too much).

Yesterday I bought padded spandex shorts (sexy right? LOL) and a pair of gloves from Sports Authority:

My coworker and fellow cyclist told me about his favorite bike gear website...Performance Bike. I love it. I bought a small bike pump and SHOES finally!!! I got them both on sale!

*note-I bought these thinking I was going on a long bike ride Saturday. Grrr.

*One of my favorite bloggers, Janel of Run With Scissors, is having a 30 day journal challenge!!! I love this because it isn't necessarily an art journal thing (I attempted art journaling but it's not really my thing...) You can simply use pen or marker for each day's prompt! I love that because I love to doodle! You should go check it out and join in!
Starts Monday, June 14!*

Have a great Thursday!


chloë. said...

Haha my alarm clock has startled me out of my sleep more times than I can count. Hope you get that bike fixed in order to ride on Saturday!

And you're so sweet to ask my prayer requests :) Just pray that I learn to seek the Holy Spirit every waking moment, and that I find time to spend with Jesus today. I had a rushed morning, and thus missed my morning devotions. :(

Thanks! Happy almost-Friday! :)

Unknown said...

Looove your gorgeous new bike shoes!!! So fashionable and adorable.

xoxox Sorry about your bike; really hope it gets fixed! And unfortunately, no. It's not Disney Land. Hahah.

Courtney said...

Boo. Hope you get that long bike ride. My husband is just getting into cycling. I'm watching the money fly right out the window.

Brooke D said...

So I'm not sure why but your blog makes me SO happy!!! I just love reading it everyday and I love optimistic you are. I just wanted to let you know that :)

Your new cycling shoes are so cute! i bet you are so exited to wear your new stuff!! i am just like you..i jump into things without researching as well... hah oops!!

hope you have a great weekend!!!

Jodi Kendall said...

I love the journal challenge!! I want to get on board with this :)

...on the brink of something beautiful said...

im excited for janels journaling ideas too!! cant wait!
lovely blog you have btw!

Jasmine Iris said...

my alarm clock is true to name it alarms me! so i know exactly how you feel. i wake up feeling like i had a heart attack haha.

i hope your bike gets fixed love!


Just Sweet Love said...

omg, tell me more about cycling!!! i only spin at the gym [and that's hard enough] i'm seriously interested in learning more about it! make a post, make a post!!!

hope you're having a great day! and that your back feels better!