Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Sadly, people these days don't impress me. 

{not like y'all are made to impress me}
Where is the love?


We are selfish creatures.

We think of only ourselves as we go about our day.

I am guilty of it.

But I am also a firm believe of Random Acts of Kindness.

I will hold the door for anyone.

If I see someone struggling with something, I go out of my way to help them.

Tonight, I balled my eyes out.

*Did you see the video of the two girls rockin' it to Nicki Minaj that quickly went viral?? Well, they were on Ellen. You HAVE to see these cuties and the big surprise Ellen had for them!

*RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS. You have to see the 38 random acts of kindness this lady and her family did for her 38th birthday. Absolutely amazing and inspiring!



Suze said...

I agree- that lady who did that for her birthday totally inspired me. I've been feeling really disappointed in people lately with the protests and some of the videos out there with people who are saying such terrible things, and then... Nicki Minaj of all people restoring faith :)

C Mae said...

I LOVE that you posted this bec I woked late today and missed Ellen having them on!!!! I posted this video a few days ago (of the two girls singing on Youtube)

Courtney B said...

I am so glad I found your blog, this post is totally what I needed to read today! Being kind to others has been on my mind a lot lately. It's so easy for me to want to help people I know, but when it comes to strangers I'm often able to talk myself out of invading their personal space. Seriously, I convince myself that it would inconvenience them (or embarrass them) if I were to stop and try to help them. Oh I know how ridiculous this sounds.... But not anymore! I'm just going to jump right in and try to make everyone's day around me better :)

Ashley said...

Gah! I cried a bunch last night while watching something on television, and this video of Nicky Minaj on Ellen had me crying my eyes out just now. It's so incredible seeing the passion and excitement that comes out of children. That little girl just got one of the biggest surprises of her life, and I love how Nicky told them both to stay in school and then learn music second. Wow!

About your comment on how people don't impress you much these days.... I think we must focus on all of the little blessings and good things in our life. If we focus on how people don't impress us, we'll only get more of it. I honestly feel that there are still so many good people out there doing great things, but they don't get recognized enough. I'm a big door holder too, and it's discouraging when people let doors slam in your face, but I'm going to keep on doing what I do anyways. (:

Oh and I also just read your post about Halloween Horror Night... that sounds like fun, and now I want to go there!!

Melissa Blake said...

This is SO inspiring...exactly what i needed to see this week!

Dana Fox said...

i wrote a post about something like this the other day... about how there is a lack of genuine appreciation in some people and how the words "thank you" go a long way too!
xo dana

Alisha said...

Hahaha that IS awesome!! That little girl can really sing. I want a shopping spree too ;)

Sorry that people are letting you down, pretty girl! Just know that they will always do that. There's only one person we can look to for consistency - that's our Heavenly Father! :)

Love you!

Christina said...

1. Love the video of the girls!

2. Wow. What a great thing to do. Thanks for sharing. Sometimes it's so easy to be out for yourself. It feels like the world is getting worse, but this is a great reminder that there are still caring people out there. This is how we are supposed to be living our life.

Amanda said...

the random acts of kindness really challenged me and inspired me!

Sarah said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the RAOK birthday celbration. Can't wait to be out of debt.....

Amanda Marshall said...

hahah I love this video!! the girls are insanely adorable but i love that she tells them to stay in school!