Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Potty Break

Today, while browsing through some blogger's love stories, I got to thinking of the person I am today and how I got here... {and of course day dreaming of how God will put my future in the path of this road He is leading me on...how it will all unfold. I can't wait to look back and smile.}

Come sit with me, let's talk. Grab your coffee...or Dr. Pepper. Whatever your heart desires.

It's been 8 months since 'that awful breakup'. I got shoved into the dirt with a broken heart and left behind. 

Philippianes 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ/Him who strengthens me."
STRENGTH. It was given to me by my Father and is what got me through. He held my hand and pulled me up from the ground. He wiped away my tears and stitched my heart back together.

I didn't go into depression. I didn't cry endless nights. I didn't hide from the world.

My life went the completely opposite direction.

That strength led me to be the woman I am today.

I stood up for myself. I ended friendships and gained a couple others. I stopped putting up with people's crap. I have slowly put myself out there. I went after my dream. I am about to graduate college! A goal I thought would never be accomplished. I finally adopted a pup. I have lived my single life fully and have embraced it. My heart is full again.

I am FINALLY happy.


A blessing from Above.


Alisha said...

A blessing indeed! I'm SO happy for you dahling. You are amazing and wonderful! God has great plans for you :)

I heart you, pretty girl!!


Alisha said...

Oh and PS. I love that picture!

Chelsea said...

LOVE hearing words like this! PTL for your outlook and awareness of His plan for you. Truly inspiring!

Kelsey Cunningham said...

I love this. I've been going through the sam thing and have found that I love my single life just as much if not more than when I was in a relationship!! Thanks for sharing, just what I needed to read today :)

xoxo Kels

Heather said...

So glad to hear that you've gotten yourself where you want to be! You have accomplished so much and deserve to be happy! I just feel like giving you a big oldschool "You go girl!!" :-)

Rebekah said...

I love this! It's amazing what God has for you. Sometimes it's bigger than we ever dreamed for ourselves!

BJJ said...

So proud of you! I can't wait to look back on these days in the years to come either! I know that our new friendship will always be a bright spot in a somewhat dark past. I am so grateful for you and I am SO PROUD of you. You are an INCREDIBLE woman! I'm glad you had this enlightenment today and were able to enjoy being you and the fact that you are on the #winning side of things! Celebrate your awesomeness because YOU ROCK! I love you (and MISS YOU) so much!

Megan said...

Beautiful post, love!! I'm so glad that you became stronger and happier after your tough breakup. They can be so draining on our spirits. I can't wait to SEE your love story unfold!

Amy said...

So happy that you have moved on after what sounds like a tough break up! Sometimes these things just make us stronger and open our eyes to the things that we were blind to.


Lauren said...

God's got great plans for you my friend!!!! The best is yet to come :)

Tiffany said...

Great blog....even better attitude and story you have! Good for you!


Anonymous said...

You are an amazing woman!! :) AOT love for you girlie...

Fash Boulevard said...

so great. love this. super excited i found your blog. I'm a new follower, I hope you will as well. I started my blog 2 months ago. It's all about celebrity fashion from the point of view of an LA stylist. I moved to cali last year after graduating back in the south and I can't get enough of your blog. Would love if you could stop by to see multiple post a day on all the latest celebrity fashion news. Would love your support. xoxo


Kate as of Late said...

Gorgeous post! You are very inspiring and I am following now so I can keep up with your gorgeous inspirational words. I am always looking for fellow bloggers who find God in their everyday lives!!! <3

B F said...

This is amazing. I love your optimistic outlook!

Ashley said...

Bad breakups most definitely come into our lives for a reason. Glad to hear you made it through stronger and happier than before. (: Thanks for the inspiration!

chloë. said...

To God be the glory, great things He has done! :) Proud of you.

Brooke D said...

LOVE this!!!!! So happy for you- You are such a beautiful person inside and out!

Sandy a la Mode said...

what a great post!! glad you are being more optimistic about things!! :)

UpperBottom said...

hi, first time visitor here. this was a great story... so happy for you that you're moving foward.

also, your furbaby is adorable.

nice meeting you!


Rachel said...

Just stumbled upon your blog. Love it. I just went through the same thing. Ended a relationship, finished school and really learned how to put it all in His hands. Awesome feeling, isn't it? Blessing from Above is right!!
