Friday, May 27, 2011


{me and my bff}

A recent study cited statistics that showed half of Americans only have two close friends. And 1 out of 4 Americans say that they don't have any close friends.

This study really stood out to me today. It was a part of my devotional email and was connected to the bible verse: “Turn to me and show me your favor, I am lonely and hurting.” Psalm 25:16

Moving back to my hometown has been rough for me, in relation to friends. I have lost many 'friendships'. You see, I am the friend those goes above and beyond for others, the one that chooses to be the friend to others that I would like to have. I've mentioned this before, but I ended a so called friendship with someone I knew for 15+ years because it was completely one sided. It's been quite lonely the past two years, I have been hurt many times, but that doesn't stop me from being this friend to others. I have also learned a lot about myself. I took a hard look at some things that weren’t so wonderful about myself and have really worked to change those things. The friendships I do have, I very much value and love them. Many of YOU are some of the best friends that I have ever had and I've never even met you!!! {thank you for that}

If you're lonely:
•“Would you love a friend who takes time to show that she cares by picking up the phone and asking about your day? Then pick up the phone and ask about someone’s day.”
• “Would you love a friend who keeps confidences and is trustworthy? Then be trustworthy.”
• “Would you love a friend who asks you to go shopping (or to the movies, or for a walk…) at the spur of the moment? Then ask someone to go along when you go do those things.”
"It’s easier to stay isolated sometimes than to reach out, especially if you’ve been hurt or disappointed many times. I know too well. But I want to encourage you to reach out, show love and care about others."

If you’re not lonely…
"Remember today that many people are lonely. Remember one in four women would say she doesn’t have a single close friend. Think about it in terms of your neighborhood. If there are 40 women who live near you, 10 of them believe that they don’t have a friend in the world. Could God be calling you to be that friend? Look for ways to open your circle of friends to new people. Watch for that new woman at church sitting by herself, the woman at work who eats lunch alone, or the neighbor who never seems to be invited. Reach out to someone new today, and be part of one less life feeling lonely today."

ps- Jesus is the best friend you could ever dream of having.


Lauren said...

LOVE this!!! And so so true. I just recently had to let go of a friendship I knew had run it's season and it was becoming very frustrating and one-sided. Sad, but very necessary. Thankful for your friendship, Michelle!!!

Mere said...

Wow that is very true. And thanks for sharing and being so open about it! I´ve had friendships that I´ve had to end and it´s caused a lot of pain on my end but in the end it was worth it. And of course we always have the best friend of all- God!

Angie said...

This is such a good post! Thank you for sharing!

Brittany Sprague said...

I loved this devotional too!

Unknown said...

great post Michelle!! It is tough making and keeping friends -- up until the last few years I only had 1 really close friend who I lost contact with and then reconnected with 3 years later. Keep your head up girl - -the people worth having around will stick it out and stand by you =)

Rebekah said...

I LOVE this sweet friend! It's so hard to keep up friendships when there are 1600 miles between us and I've lost a few. It takes work! I am forming new friendships here, and while it hasn't been easy, I'm grateful for them. Jesus is by far the best friend ever!

Raising Chichi said...

Ok I loved this:) So glas we met & now you have another new friend in me!!

Aly @ Analyze This said...

This speaks to me so closely! I couldn't have written it better myself!

According to Jax said...

Love this!!!!

Cole Franke said...

Such a good post! I feel like I have a lot of great friends and my relationship with each of them either gets stronger or colder depending on the season of life we're in. Some friends we can go 6 months without talking and when we see each other its as if time hasn't gone by. Others take more effort. And then there's the one bf that is more like family. :)

C Mae said...

Does a pet aka our dogs count as a best friend ride along the side of Jesus! In my book they do! :)

Natalie said...

Friendships can be SO hard! But you are right...Jesus should ALWAYS be your best friend :)

Venessa said...

What a great post! I often have felt this way too and have ended friendships that were one sided. Thanks for sharing this!!

Brooke said...

This is so wonderful :) I love it! And I love you! PS--the picture of you and Jax is so adorable! <3 AOT

Kate as of Late said...

The past two years have been the same for me, I have moved away from all of my friends twice now (after High School and when I transferred Universities). This post really helped me... I'm going to write down some of those pieces of advice in my prayer journal if you don't mind! :) Thank you for your awesome posts and great words... So glad to have found so many fellow bloggers who believe in the healing power of God :) <3

Ashley said...

Aww I love this! Everyone has felt lonely at one point or another. I know I'm not that close with many of my friends from when I was younger. I could imagine that it would be tough moving back to your hometown. I love the tips at the end of this post for people who are or aren't lonley. Such a great post! Thanks for sharing. (: