Thursday, March 22, 2012


Life isn't always so sweet. I encountered that way too early this morning.
My kindness got slapped back in my face.
Sometimes you just gotta shake it off.
There are plenty of other people who will appreciate it.

{The lil ol blog here is going to be going through some changes, so I won't be around too much. Will fill y'all in hopefully soon! xoxo}


Anonymous said...

Sorry that things were against you today! Hope you're having a fabulous night anyway!! :)

Unknown said...

Hey girl! I don't know what's going on but I'm here if ya need to vent. Prayers and sunshine from yours truly xo

Adrienne said...

Sorry to hear about your bitter experience :(. Kill 'em with kindness I say.

Emily said...

sorry about that :( Remember people will always fail us but Jesus never will!

Kasey Lynne said...

I'm sorry you're having a hard day.

I hope something happened that turned it around. Keep a smile on that face of yours girl!!