Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Guest Blogger

Hi my lovelies... Today I have my sweet friend guest posting for me while I am recovering from my trip to Georgia! You will love her!!! So, with out further ado...

Thanks for having me over, Michelle! 

My name is Chrissi…spelled with an i…and you can find me on the regular at Home is Where the Heart is. While I am sad that sweet Michelle had to take off for a few days, I am so thrilled at the opportunity to fill in for her for a day.

When thinking about what I wanted to share I was running through memories and funny stories and things that make me smile. Needless to say, my sisters came to mind quite often in these thoughts/memories and I thought I would share a brief story about family, friendship and, most importantly, forgiveness.

Let’s go back to Winter 2001/2002, just a few months away from graduating high school. Being a senior meant I had a parking space and was able to drive my car to school, while having a car meant the little sisters would require me to take them to school each day. One morning we were on our way to school and I was fighting with my sisters, which was totally typical. What was not typical about this situation was my sour attitude. Sike, I wish I could say that wasn’t typical, but I was a senior and ‘too cool for school’ which meant I was too cool for my baby sisters. I unfortunately I had this type of attitude for most of my teenage years. So this morning was interesting in that I stopped my car on the way to school and told my sisters I was going to kick them out if they didn’t stop annoying me/talking/breathing.

Yep, I was an awesome big sister. Needless to say, they did stay in the car and kept breathing (and talking for that matter), and we all barely made it to school.

I didn’t think much about this day until a few years ago when speaking with my sisters about it. We’re now all able to laugh about the time I turned psycho in the car, but more importantly, we’re able to recognize how far we’ve come. I wish I could go back and write a letter to myself and say LIGHTEN UP and enjoy the time with your sisters. I would give a whole stinkin’ lot to have the hours back that I wasted by being a total brat bucket all those mornings on our way to school. However, if all of the arguments had not happened, it would not have made our sweet friendship what it is today. You see, if it weren’t for my sisters I would not be who I am today. My sisters are my very best friends, secret keepers, advice givers, crap callers and my biggest fans. My sisters mean more than life to me, and I am so thankful that they chose to show me grace and forgiveness and allow me to be their friend after all of the nasty things I said and did.

Do you have sisters or women like sisters to you? Chances are you’ve had to extend grace or had grace extended to you at some point as well, and chances are, you feel just as blessed as I do for their friendship and forgiveness. Today should be “Go Hug Your Sister Day” … I’m just saying!


ty said...

AMEN. I was my little brat and I hadn't spent a few years at odds with each other. I'm just happy we get along so well now!

The Burfitt's said...

Love this post :) there are so many things that i would take back too! if we could only know then what we know now...