Friday, July 19, 2013

Getting back into it...

Now that we live closer to post, we are able to use the military gym that is provided for us for free. {or better yet, we have no excuse now}. I am happier than a bird with a french fry, y'all! It was hard to not be in the gym. Before the Husband and I got married and before I moved out here, my life was work and gym. The gym came to be my relief, my 'me' time. I had loved seeing the progress that my body was making. It was VERY hard to workout with what I had at home, but we couldn't afford a Hawaii gym membership and it was too far of a drive to the base gym.

That being said, it's been very hard on me to pretty much have to start all over. Knowing the weight I use to be able to lift, to then having to go back to the 'baby' weights has flat out sucked. It's also been humbling and motivating. 

Everyone starts somewhere, it's not a race.

By the way, working out with your Husband is 10x more fun! Even if he tries to tell you what to do.

Is it 'rest day' yet?!


Miss Chelsea said...

You're so tiny! I think you look great, even if you are back at square 1 or whatev

Mateya said...

How awesome that you guys get to workout together! So jealous!

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

She's got guns! :) Good job!

Pilgrim said...

Better you than me. :-)

Kasey Lynne said...

You're a rockstar girl! Keep it up!

Janna Renee said...

Yay for getting to use the gym! I love going to the gym with Will too ;)