Wednesday, April 17, 2013

WILW- Foodie Edition

The Hubs and I are on a mission to a healthier lifestyle. (we have some extra love needing to be shed) I've mentioned before that we are slowly transitioning ourselves into trying the Yeast Free Diet for 30 days. We visited Costco recently and stocked ourselves up with all kinds of healthy foods to prepare us; fresh fruit and veggies galore, coconut oil, almond butter, etc. There are currently NO chocolate or beer in our house. We are having serious signs of withdrawal. We have sparkling water to substitute our love for Dr. Pepper. Most days I wonder if this is really worth it! But then you look at what you are really putting into your bodies (sugar, ingredients you can't pronounce, etc) and it slaps you back to reality and wanting to cleanse your body of all that crap.

Yesterday I went a bit crazy in my kitchen and tried some new recipes. I've gotta have food ready and available for me or else I will eat the bad stuff! Plus, I always end up letting the fresh veggies and fruits go bad so I needed to use them. It's a win-win.

Here is what I am loving:

Pumpkin Almond Butter Cookies (a glass of almond milk is a must)

*I switched it up and made mine with turkey bacon, green peppers and carrots

If you have any recipe or food blog recommendations, send them my way! 


Kait said...

Oh I love all these! You'll have to tell me how you like yeast free! I've heard so many good success stories from Steph (Beautiful Mess) and Kristin (All in my Twenties)! Those cookies looking AMAZING! Yum :)

Mrs. M ~ a.k.a. ~ April said...

Girl! It all looks so tasty! I might have to look up those recipes. I LOVE Quinoa..that's some good stuff!