Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gettin Lost in a Book

Bookworms Anonymous

Confession: For many years, I hated reading and I hated books.

My favorite book used to be Fahrenheit 451... 
and only because the story is pretty much about burning books.

In 2008 (if my memory is correct) my sister spent our entire family vacation to Key West with a book in her face. She was reading a stupid book about vampires. I laughed at her, my lil crazy bookworm vampire loving sister. 

And then... she lent me a book to read... I was scared. It was over 100 pages long. But, per her recommendation, I decided to give it a try...

I spent hours locked in my condo, not going out to my usual bars for some drinks, and staying up way past my bedtime reading.... Twilight. I was hooked. Amazed by Stephenie Meyer. In love... with Edward Cullen. I may or may not have driven 2 hours back to my hometown just to get the next book to read. I had to have it. 

I've been a bookworm ever since. Reading is cool.

My bookworm status has rocketed. 

Santa brought me a Kindle for Christmas!


Since then, I've spent every night like this:

I've posted a new widget on the side of my blog of all my favorite books, for all my bookworm friends.


Currently reading The Shack, Can You Keep A Secret?, and Mockingjay.

I am always looking for new books...

So, what are your favorite reads of this past year?


Unknown said...

OMG, I'm seriously a HUGE book nerd! The amount of books on my Nook is ridiculous! And I've read every single one, sometimes three & four times ;-)

I'm more of a Sandra Brown, Karen Rose, Nora Roberts, Jill Shalvis kinda girl. I get so frustrated with myself at how quickly I read because when I'm done, that's it. I have to buy more, which, believe me, my bank account does not like!

I also have the Nook app on my iPhone which can sometimes disturb my level of productivity during my work day ;-) haha

Stephanie said...

I'm so glad you've become a reader! I've been a bookworm my whole life and have always loved sharing that with others. Reading a good book that sucks you in is one of the coolest, most rewarding things I can think of. I don't have a kindle (I'm one of those who's still into the smell of pages and all that) but I hope it'll make reading convenient so that you'll keep it up :)

Happy New Year!

idontcaren said...

Girl!! Love Kindle! Is yours the Kindle touch? I have the older Kindle. Do you love it?! Okay, now that you have one, you need to start checking out some indie authors that only publish in "e book" form. First, you gotta read a series by Tammara Webber. The books in the trilogy are called "Between the Lines", "Where You Are" and "Good For You." The best part, they are only $2.99 each. This series is AWESOME! I am in the process of re reading them right now! Also, "Can You Keep a Secret" is SOO good!! You'll enjoy it!! Glad you got a Kindle. We can share book suggestions now! :)

Unknown said...

Try the Sookie Stackhouse series, as well as Delirium by Lauren Oliver! Both really great reads!

Christina said...

The Shack was such a good book. It left me with a lot to think about. Let me know what your thoughts when you're done!

dottie said...

I started The Shack and have no idea where I put it! Ha! Mockingjay was good! I love to read too. Addicted.

Dree said...

Oh my gosh, I just updated my blog with how I want to become a reader again. We should start a book club, haha! My favorite book this year was Tina Fey's Bossypants, hands down. Brilliant read!

Michelle said...

I used to hate reading too! Then I started teaching reading and realized I can't teach my kids to like reading, if I don't! I read Something Borrowed and totally became hooked on reading! I read 20 books this year! Definitely looking to read more in the new year! Enjoy your Kindle!!!!!!!

siddathornton said...

i LOVE reading. i also loved 'the shack,' and the hunger games trilogy. my favorite reads this year would probably be the hunger games books. <3 i'm thinking about getting a kindle or nook, but i just love holding real life books.

BeckyJo606 said...

I'm so obsessed with my nook. It absolutely makes reading more fun! I also started a goodreads account to keep up with all of the books I've read and want to read. Some of the lighthearted books I've read lately are the Nora Roberts quartet about four friends getting married. They were super chick lit books, but I still loved them! I also read Gone with the Wind--talk about amazing. It's 900 pages, but it flew by!

Megan said...

You should join GoodReads! It's where I keep track of what I'm reading and get to see others recommendations. I'm currently reading Cleopatra's Daughter, and it's really interesting.

Emily said...

i'm kind of on the fence about a nook because i love a book in my hand but I have to get going on the hunger games!!

Amanda said...

yay i'm glad you got a kindle! tim has one and he mainly uses the now i get the kindle! :)

Jazz said...

I am exactly the same since I received my Kindle for Christmas, my nights have been lost!
I read One Day recently which is pretty good but not great, much better than the film though!

Sarah said...

Blue Like Jazz - Donald Miller, The Irresitible Revolution, Shane Claiborne, Beach Music - Pat Conroy, The Screwtape Letters - CS Lewis, Chasing Francis; A Pilgram's Tale - Ian Morgan.....I like to read :)

Anna @ IHOD said...

So my husband got an ipad from his brother and we immediately downloaded kindle. I was not a believer but being the bookworm that I am, having easy access to hundreds got me hooked. I still prefer a hardcover but reading is reading:)

Thanks for your friendship this past year Michelle! You are appreciated!!
Cheers to 2012!!

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

So glad you got on the reading train! ;) I love love love to read, and have spent most of my life with my nose in a book. Hubby gave me a Nook for Christmas, and I was ecstatic! :D

My recommendations are:
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
Water for Elephants
Hunger Games Series (look's like you've already started that!)
Time Traveler's Wife
The House at Riverton
The Distant Hours

Pilgrim said...

The Help!