Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Blessing Box

If you would like to join, check out Natalie's blog, and link up!

-I am so thankful I got to see my best friend Sunday. We have had many problems lately as we are both struggling with personal issues in our lives. We have always had a communication problem and we finally talked about it and promised to both make an effort in fixing it. It's the root cause of our little fights and fall outs.

Communication is a problem I have with those who are close to me and it is something I am and will always have to work on. So blessed and thankful for the forgiveness my friends give to me and the unfailing love of my Father.

-Reading the 5 Love Languages and relationship books have really helped me see relationships in a whole new light, whether they be with friends, family or with a loved one, and I am thankful/blessed for God opening my eyes to these things.


I wanted to post this beautiful picture and bible verse to today's post.


"Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God." -Micah 6:8

We have so much to be thankful for and we all take it for granted, myself included. We must remember that we are to be His hands and feet. Reach out to those around you.


Rebekah said...

What wonderful blessings!

ty said...

What else have you read about relationships? I've been looking for something to help me make sense of myself :)

chloë. said...

Love this post, and the whole idea in general! It's so good to reflect on what you're grateful for, instead of what you're worried about--something I do often!

Glad things are starting to be positive in your area! Best friend chat are sometimes the best therapy. :]

Natalie said...

oh my goodness this is amazing!!! I really have a communication problem with some people too. I would rather shut down and not talk about it but God does not want that from us!
Thanks for the reminder and that picture is beautiful and such a message!
Thanks for linking up my dear sweet friend!!

shawni marie said...

I love tha this is the FIRST thing I read this morning. I adore you sweetheart. I miss talking to you. Hope that all is well <3

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

I needed to hear this.
I'm going through a similar situation with a friend.
Thank you for posting this today Michelle!

Amanda said...

i love Micah 6:8! and that picture is just awesome too. glad you got to have some time with your best friend. last night i was just reading about something similar to that verse in Philippians...about humbleness. thanks for sharing that verse today!

Caroline said...

You can learn so much by the five love languages! Hope you have a great day!

Chelsea said...

I struggle with communication as well- this was very inspiring!
Thanks for posting!

Rachel said...

Micah 6:8 is what my company's core values are based on =) Love it. A great book to read for singlehood and marriedhood is Feminine Appeal by Carolyn Mahaney that I keep bragging about on my blog. Hope you enjoy it one day =)

Sarah Ann said...

:) Communication is important for ANY relationship. So glad to hear that you are learning and working on it!!

Rachel said...

cannot wait to hear what you think about that book!It's been an inspiration as well as a swift kick in the rear.

Michelle, I'm excited for who God brings into your life! I know he will be worth the wait.

Ps 126:5
Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.

Venessa said...

I love that picture and the scripture! It is actually the mission statement of the church I go to! Have a wonderful day!!

Sonja said...

You have been such an inspiration and daily encouragement for me! :)

How ironic, my sister and I had a looooooong conversation about communication and how we BOTH need to be better about it before little things that bother us add up and we blow up at each other!

Much love xoxo

Nicki said...

Thanks so much for sharing what's been on your heart, dear! I loved reading about the five love languages. To be honest, I think it helped me understand a lot more about my relationships (and misunderstandings) with people--particularly my boyfriend. Which love language were you most fluent in??

Julia said...

You are amazing! Glad you got to see the bff!

Jenni@Story of My Life said...

Thanks for your honesty Michelle... I don't know what you mean exactly when you say "communication problem," but I've had a communication problem of sorts, too - namely, oftentimes I just DON'T communicate at all with people I love (don't call, don't text, don't email, etc). I a have recognized this and majorly improved on it lately, thanks to some amazing examples in my life. Glad to see you're working out your issues, too! :)