Friday, March 22, 2013

Book Club?

So I mentioned the other week about putting together a book club. A few people were interested and confessed that they are bookworms too! #bookwormsunite Anyway, I am familiar with a couple other blogger book clubs out there, but I don't really like them (no offense) so I thought I would do my own here in my space, with vlogs too!! 

Feel free to link up with me. I am going to do it no matter if it's just me, the link up is open to those who would like to join in. I haven't decided if I am going to do every Friday or once a month (first or last Friday). Thoughts on that? 

The first book club post will be next Friday, March 29
I'll be posting a vlog and talk about what I am currently reading
Hope you join me!



Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing..:)
Android Developer

BeckyJo606 said...

Very cool! I'm a big reader--although I've slowed down a lot since having a baby. I'm looking forward to seeing what you're reading and if you'd recommend it! :)

JG said...

Now that sounds like fun! Not sure if I can be ready by this Friday but I hope to join in at some point!