What a wonderful weekend! After a very long drive, we successfully surprised our families. Holidays are just so much sweeter spent with family. But I am EXHAUSTED. Amongst all the traveling, my allergies decided to act up so now I sound like kermit the frog. Sacrifices I suppose.
Aunts & Cousins- I married into THE best family!
My beautiful cousin & SIL (carrying baby Ella) <3 p="">
My wonderful Family & my adorable sister carrying baby Ava, who I desperately wished would have made her appearance while Auntie Shell was in town. She's due next week. Send lots of good juju her way! We have an annual Thanksgiving lunch with our long time friends, who are really family to us. We've known them for over 15 years. Blessed beyond measure <3 p="">
+MY 2ND EVER BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING TRIP- Only the best dog mom's wait in a line, with 100+ people, an hour before Petsmart opens...in the cold without coffee or food in your tummy, to score some amazing deals and that free stocking full of treats! Was totally worth it. Them pups are not cheap! AND I scored some of my first name brand purses and wallets :) Shopping the morning of Black Friday was great this year, especially with my cute lil mom... I figured out all the crazies go the evening before!
I shall leave you with this awesomeness. A cow #selfie. He tried to sniff me, hence my face as I had a minor freak out. This guy was at a new farmer's market/petting farm in my hometown. I scored some local honey and Florida oranges. Ain't nothing better!
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend with full tummies and happy hearts!